New Italian Dance Platform
NID Platform 2023 and RTO
NID Platform is a project born from the collaboration of the dance distribution organisations belonging to ADEP (Association for the Performance and Promotion of Dance) FEDERVIVO-AGIS and joined in a RTO (Temporary Network of Operators), with the Ministry of Culture’s Directorate General for Performing Arts and the relevant regional authorities, to promote and support the best of Italian choreography.
The NID platform connects Italian companies and Italian and international operators in the performing arts, creating a dialogue between production and distribution and showcasing the artistic quality of the Italian performing art world, reflecting its many artistic languages and forms. NID Platform issues a public Call to select the most representative shows from among established companies as well as from emerging choreographers on the Italian scene. The selected shows are included in a four-day programme of performances accompanied by meetings and side events. The NID Platform offers the opportunity to build professional collaborations between national and international production and distribution, which can broaden and innovate the Italian dance scene and help to promote the best of Italian choreography among international operators.
The 7th edition
30th August - 2nd September 2023, Cagliari
NID Platform 2023 will be held in the city of Cagliari with the support of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Directorate General for Performing Arts of the Ministry of Culture. For this edition, the Temporary Network of Operators has appointed the Association of Local Authorities for Cultural and Performing Arts Activities, which will work together with Ce.D.A.C. Sardegna – Multidisciplinary Circuit Sardegna and other representatives of the Temporary Network of Operators based in Sardinia.
The Call for 2023 has two sections: Programming and Open Studios. Applications for the Programming section are selected by a specially appointed Artistic Committee, composed of four Italian and three international judges.
Applications for the Open Studios section are considered by the Italian branch of the Artistic Committee, which includes two more other Italian judges.
Thus, the artistic Committees based on the quality and professionalism of the dance project and its implementation, will select the dance productions to be included in the event’s four-day programme, which will include one day dedicated exclusively to the Open Studios section and the other three to the Programming section.
The first new feature concerns the “Open Studios” section, which will include one guest production, with debut already made, selected by the relevant Committee from the projects submitted in the 2021 edition.
The second new feature, which concerns the “Programming” section, is that participation will be broadened also to “non-standard” shows and/or projects: shows designed for non-theatrical spaces, with unconventional duration or features, such as active audience involvement, interaction with technological and/or sensory devices, installations, etc. that debuted between 26 April 2021 and 30 March 2023, or made a pre-debut and are scheduled to debut, with documentary proof, by 15 July 2023.
In light of the above, the NID Platform 2023 playbill will be designed as follows:
- Programming up to a maximum of 8 performances;
- Open Studios with up to a maximum of 8 projects.
As in the previous editions, the entries submitted by companies and artists in response to the call will be assessed by the artistic committee, which will select the performances to be included in the four-day programme.
The Temporary Network of Operators (RTO) consists of
Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo, FDE Festival Danza Estate – 23/C ART, A. Artisti Associati – Società Cooperativa, AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali, Anghiari Dance Hub Società Cooperativa, Fondazione Armunia – Castello Pasquini, Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città Di Vicenza, Associazione Culturale Artedanzae20 Ets, ARTEVEN – Associazione regionale per la promozione e la diffusione del Teatro e della Cultura nelle Comunità Venete, ATER Fondazione, Cantieri Danza A.P.S., C.D.T.M Circuito Danza Teatro e Musica – Circuito Campano della Danza, Ce.D.A.C. Sardegna Societa’ Cooperativa A.R.L. – Centro Diffusione Attivita’ Culturali, C.L.A.P. Spettacoli dal Vivo – Associazione Culturale Circuito Lombardia Arti Pluridisciplinari Spettacolo dal Vivo, Cro.me – Cronaca e Memoria dello Spettacolo, Daniele Cipriani Entertainment Società Cooperativa, Associazione Danzeventi, Fondazione I Teatri, Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo Onlus, Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Contemporanee, Fondazione Haydn di Bolzano e Trento, Associazione Lis Lab Performing Arts”, Maya Inc Società Cooperativa, Associazione Culturale Mosaico Danza A.P.S., Associazione Movimento Danza, Associazione Incontri Internazionali di Rovereto – Oriente Occidente – Teatro, Danza, Musica, Fondazione Piemonte Dal Vivo – Circuito Regionale dello Spettacolo, R.G.E. S.R.L., Associazione Circuito Teatrale Regionale Campano – Teatro Pubblico Campano, Fondazione del Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale, Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara.